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Hario Buono Pro Temperature controlled Kettle 0,8l


Enthält 19% MwSt.
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Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar

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Hario Power Buono Kettle with Temperature Control is any barista’s best friend in a form of a practical teapot used to boil water.

It is the most advanced Hario Kettle – allowing you to adjust water temperature. Thanks to its precision, it is particularly useful for coffee brewing with alternative methods such as a Dripper, Chemex or Aeropress.

The temperature of water can be adjusted from 60 to 96 degrees Celsius. It is set and displayed on the front panel. The keep warm function keeps water at the set temperature for 15 minutes.

Additionally, Power Buono Kettle has a safety feature that prevents dry run. Its body is made of stainless steel with plastic elements. Excess cable can be rolled up and stored in the base.




Gewicht 1420 g


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