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The ultimate coffee book


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The Ultimate Coffee Book is the complete resource for all coffee lovers.

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Johanna Wechselberger, Tobias Hierl

The Ultimate Coffee Book is the complete resource for all coffee lovers – and there are many of them, be they beginners, professionals or enthusiasts.This hot beverage leaves hardly anyone cold. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland per capita consumption is growing steadily, and the interest in pure varieties, preparation methods and particular tricks such as „latte art“ is rising.

More and more people want to know where coffee actually comes from, how to make the typical Viennese Melange, authentic Latte Macchiato and Irish Coffee, or how to foam milk so that it is not only perfectly creamy and firm, but also so that its natural sweetness also comes to the fore. Johanna Wechselberger and Tobias Hierl have dedicated a very special book to this beverage that answers these questions for the first time comprehensibly, in detail and with a real passion for good coffee. The SCAE Europe recommends the book as a schoolbook to learn from for Barista Level 1 and 2. The first 3000 pieces in german language were sold within one year. The second edition has 16 pages more with tipps&tricks for Aeropress, Syphon, Hario V60, the Bacchi and more details about different types of espresso maschines.

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